Biblical Foundations of Self Government
- Carver
This class features a study of the concepts of identity, response to hardship, and faith in God from the books of 1st&2nd Peter and Jude, and examines how those principles were displayed though the life of George Washington Carver.
The objective of the course is to help students personally comprehend who their Creator has made them to be, and how that gives them the ability to engage a spiritually and morally confused culture.
Students will learn how to affirm each person and their diverse needs with the inclusivity of the Gospel.
Each week the students will be assigned the following homework: a Bible study, readings from the course textbook, interactive worksheets, and a writing assignment.
There will also be a final exam.
This course is offered once each school year, designed to be completed over both the spring and fall semesters (September – May).
Class dates and deadlines will follow the WCFS Credit Class dates in the WCFS calendar.