WCFS Student and Family Testimonials
WCFS Student and Family Testimonials

“Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another…”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Welcome to our testimonials page! We hope hearing the about journeys of other homeschool families will encourage you along your own!

WCFS Graduate
“I was in public school from pre-school through middle school. Though elementary school was not all smooth-sailing due to bullying and often being subject to social pressures of classmates, it was in middle school that concerns regarding the public-school system truly started to grow. Though in a "Christian-based" education system, evolution was taught in Biology, religious class taught on religions such as Islam and Buddhism, and graphic sex-education started as early as 7th grade. Outside of the classroom, the negative influences of children around me were tough to avoid.
Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeners the countenance of his friend.”
With classmates using profanity, listening to secular music and watching secular movies, glorifying the disrespecting of their parents, and already becoming involved in dating at an early age, the selection of Godly influences at school became slim to none. It was these factors and more that drove my family into the decision to homeschool.
I started homeschooling as a high school freshman. A new world opened up for me. The flexibility to choose my own curriculum, schedule, and pace. The freedom of having time for extra-curricular activities and hobbies that I didn’t have before (and some of those being able to count towards high school credits!). The ability to choose my own friends and peers. And most of all, the fact that learning became a joy and not a mandatory dreaded task.
With WCFS’ assistance through the supply of textbooks and other means of support, I was able to graduate high school and, though homeschooled, attend my very own graduation. Throughout the process, WCFS provided the guidance necessary to a family new to homeschooling and enabled me to now look back at my homeschooling years with great exuberance.
After high school graduation, I immediately went into the workforce working at a local airport. After two years and while continuing working, I started to pursue my higher education and completed both my bachelor's and master's degrees through online programs. While working on those degrees, I started a job at a commercial airline, where I have since been employed. Advocating for homeschooling and homeschooling rights is still very near and dear to my heart, so much so, that I pursued and received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Christian Education. God used WCFS to be a part of setting me up for the success that I have been blessed with in my life since I graduated.”
Melody has published a book, Solving for the Unknown, about her educational experience, available for purchase on Amazon.

The Simon Family
“Hi, Praise the Lord! My name is David Simon. I was born and brought up in Calcutta, State of West Bengal, India. Presently, I am residing in Oman with my wife Rita and two wonderful children, Abraham and Hannah.
It all started when I lost everything: my job and business, followed by Rita losing her job the next year. This lead to discontinuation of Abraham and Hannah’s schooling due to non-payment of tuition fees. It was as though all hell broke loose against us. We tapped many doors for jobs but nothing worked. Finally, we decided to return to India. We informed our extended family in India of our return and posted the ads for household goods for sale on an online market place.
Then, one night when we gathered for family prayer, Romans 14:23 became alive:
“… and everything that does not come from faith is sin.”
Our decision to return to our homeland was not inspired by faith but due to natural circumstances we were facing. This Word gave us the boldness to stand against all odds. We changed our plan of returning to India. It was during this time we became acquainted with WCFS.
Things started changing for us although things were not as they used to be. Rita and I got placed in a local company with meagre salaries. We contacted WCFS and expressed our interest to enroll our children for homeschooling. The favor of God showed up through WCFS who offered sponsorship to our children. We weren’t in a position to pay the fees as structured by the school but, thanks be to GOD for the families and friends who sponsor for such a cause.
GOD has always been faithful and provided us help when there was no hope. The idea of homeschooling is wonderful and good for our children because we are being able to protect them from the system of world (worldly teaching & worldly knowledge) and teach them the WORD of GOD, so that when they are old they will not forget HIM. We are glad that WCFS homeschooling offers BIBLE as the primary subject, and this gives an opportunity to our children to study the WORD of GOD and to know Him closely. We thank GOD for Pastor Gary’s leadership and the WCFS staff members who inspire and encourage us in our day to day life by providing us links on different programs on a timely basis. This helps us and our children to know and understand better how GOD chooses people and uses them to educate, guide, and help to build a GODLY generation.
Thank you Pastor Gary and the WCFS staff for sowing the good seed on the good ground which shall bear fruit abundantly in JESUS’s name. Thus far the scholarship program has enabled us greatly to continue homeschooling at WCFS. I would like to specifically mention here that the school has provided 100% scholarship for the online Ignitia curriculum for both my children. The program is helping us educate our children and many other children whose parents are not in a position to pay the school fees. We would like to thank each and every one of the Scholarship program members for supporting such a cause and continue to support and helping us raise GODLY generation. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.”