Foundations in Research
Foundations in Research is a course designed to guide the student through the process of writing a research paper to fulfill the WCFS graduation requirement. Areas acceptable for research include: Bible, History, Literature, Science, or other approved areas of study. The research topic must be approved. Once final papers are submitted, they become the property of WCFS, and the papers are kept on file at the main office.
The course is open to 11th & 12th grade high school students. (Others w/ permission!) ½ Credit will be granted to students who:
Attend all classes (Make-up and Distance students will attend all classes via the WCFS Google Classroom portal. All homework shall be submitted through this portal.)
Submit assignments when due and according to the standards set by the instructor;
Complete a research paper that is 15 full pages in length (1” margins, Times or Times New Roman font, double spaced, in an approved topic area. A shorter paper will not meet the graduation requirement and will not receive credit.
The final paper must be displayed at the Family Heritage Expo™ in April.
Grades will be based upon the following criteria:
One-half (½) of the grade will come from attendance and participation in class and homework activities.
One-half (½) of the grade will come from the timeliness and quality of final research submittal.
Use of a QSU® Log is required for homework assignments, and must be presented weekly at class, signed by parents and student.
The submission of a Research Paper written by the student is a requirement for graduation. The paper can deal with a topic of the student’s interest in any subject area. While the paper does not have to be of a spiritual nature, it should be a positive testimony to the Lord and not be offensive to the Christian faith and biblical values.
The student must follow standard procedures of research.
The Research Paper must:
- Contain fifteen pages of text, excluding abstracts and acknowledgments.
- Be typed in 12-point Times font, and double-spaced.
- Reference a minimum of five sources.
- Use a standard system of footnoting.
- Include a professional cover page, (MLA format, etc.) and at least one bibliography page making the total minimum number of pages equal 17.
- Have all charts, photos, and maps placed as appendixes to the text.
In the year of submission, the thesis statement must be submitted for review to the WCFS office by December 1st, and the final draft paper must be submitted at least one week before the Family Heritage Expo and clearly state that it is the research paper required for graduation. Research Papers will be on display at the Family Heritage Expo. (See school calendar for the Expo date)
A student completing the research elective offered by WCFS in a satisfactory manner meets the requirements of this Senior research paper. It may also fulfill a year (.5 credit) of the grammar requirement if the student chooses to opt into more writing and heavier grammar emphasis as directed by the instructor.
WCFS recommends Writing A Research Paper by CLPress, or BJU English 12, for excellent writing and research instruction. WCFS staff offers three research elective classes to aid the high school student and their parents in writing research papers: Basic Research (15-page paper), Seminar in Research for Parents, and Advanced Research (for college-bound students who wish to research and write beyond the basic level).