Monocacy National Battlefield

Time & Location

Time: Friday, May 9th at 10:00 a.m.

Location: Monocacy National Battlefield (NPS)

Address to Visitor Center: 5201 Urbana Pike, Frederick

About the Trip

Cost: FREE!

To bring: Picnic lunch, shoes for walking.

Details: We will meet at the Visitor Center to pick up maps, Junior Ranger books for anyone interested, and to see what we can learn before we set out. There are 2 trails that look good, but we can decide on which to do once we’re there, depending on the age/ability of the group.

One of the trails is steep so it probably wouldn’t work for strollers, but I believe the rest will. Trails range from 1-1.5 miles. Bring a picnic lunch for afterwards, or snacks for during the hike.


Deadline to register: May 2nd

National Park Service Pass Options

If your family is interested in more cost-effective means to visit National Parks, please see the site below. If your student is in 4th grade, you can obtain an annual pass for FREE for the entire family that is good for entrance in any National Park. There is also the American the Beautiful Pass, which is $80 annually per vehicle. If you visit more than 3 that have entrance fees in the year, it is likely cheaper. Our family has taken advantage of these options and saved quite a bit; please feel free to contact me (Dawn Adams) if you have questions or would like more information.

Don’t forget to sign and submit your waiver. Email it to, or bring it with you to the field trip.