Origins 101
Students shall earn one-half of a science credit from a course exploring the Biblical and scientific evidence for a young earth and a literal six-day Creation.
WCFS has created a course called ‘Dogmatic Creationism’ which satisfies the Origins 101 course requirement.
Parents are free to either purchase and enroll their students in our course or develop their own courses, provided they use approved resources.
Approved resources include materials published by Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, and Creation Studies Institute.
While resources focusing on Intelligent Design may also be included, the primary perspective must be from a young earth, six-literal day perspective.
This course will work through the textbook “The Early Earth” by John C. Whitcomb Jr., contains 10 classes which will be completed during one semester.
Each class will consist of a ~90 minute lecture, followed by a homework assignment of outlining a chapter of the textbook, and writing a creative essay.
The objective of the course is to help students have a clear understanding of the Biblical account of Creation, and the primary Biblical and scientific evidence supporting a young earth and literal six-day Creation.
Students will be challenged to think both Biblically and critically about the competing theories of Creation and will have opportunity to research contemporary controversies over origins.
Students shall study the Biblical narrative and commentary about Creation as well as the differing interpretations of the Biblical narrative.
Students shall examine the competing theories of origins (Creation and Evolution) and how scientific evidence supports or contradicts both theories.