Portfolio Reviews
A portfolio review is exactly what it sounds like; a meeting where a member of our staff will review the student's portfolio with the student and their parents to asses the student's progress in their courses. WCFS staff will visit each family 2 or 3 times each year to provide evaluation, support and supervision.
Portfolio Reviews are a requirement of MD law.
Remember! These reviews are not only a chance for us to check on the student's work and offer assistance, but also a chance for the parents and student to ask questions or suggest changes.
Meet with your wife to conduct a “pre-portfolio review” of your student(s)’ work prior to the scheduled visit.
Using your student’s Course Registration Form and 1st Semester Report as guides, determine your student’s progress in each subject.
For a Standard Course, determine the number of pages that have been covered out of the total number of pages in the text. This will give you a percentage of the text that has been studied to date.
For a Non-standard Course, refer to the items listed in the Non-standard Course Description Form. Check the quality and the quantity of the work. Make sure any QSU logs are up-to-date with total hours or pages logged.
Organize each student’s work in order of courses listed. For Standard courses you will need all chapter and unit tests. For Non-standard courses, you will need all items listed including the projects or pictures of the projects, as well as the QSU logs.
Be sure to bring your copy of each student’s Course Registration Form with you to the scheduled portfolio review. The staff will review the form and transfer the information to their copy.
If there is any remedial work to be done, the staff will note that on your copy so that you have record of what needs to be completed and by what date.