The C&O Canal

Time & Location

Time: Thursday, March 13, Please meet by 10:15 to get gathered up, pick up Junior Ranger books if you’d like them, use restrooms, etc.

The tour will begin promptly at 10:30.

Location: C&O Canal – Williamsport location (NPS)

Address to the Trolley Barn & Cushwa Basin: 205 W Potomac Street, Williamsport, MD.

I will email maps, etc. once registered.

Cost: FREE!

About the Trip

To bring: Picnic lunch, shoes for walking, strollers may not work well, walking shoes (may get muddy). We will be outside the entire time so be sure to dress for the weather.

Details: We will be doing the tour “Early Transportation and the C&O Canal.” Themes include early transportation, canal technology, C&O Canal operations, and life of canal workers (1850-1924.) After our tour, we will have a picnic lunch by the Trolley Barn.


Deadline to register: February 26th (this deadline is firm as Dawn needs to get them a final headcount – please also include the number of adults attending)

Don’t forget to sign and submit your waiver. Email it to, or bring it with you to the field trip.