Applied Civics 101
One half of a social studies credit shall be earned from a course with content relating to a Biblical perspective of American government, the influence of Judeo-Christian principles in the formulation of the United States, and the role of the Christian in civil government.
The WCFS courses ‘Applied Civics 101’ or ‘God Gospel and Government’ satisfy WCFS’ Applied Citizenship 101 graduation course requirement.
A parent-developed course incorporating appropriate Biblical texts (e.g., Genesis 8, Romans 13, I Peter 2, the book of Esther, the book of Daniel) and approved resources also satisfies this requirement.
Approved resources include God and Government Volumes 1 and 2 by Gary DeMar, If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty by Eric Metaxas, The Third Alternative: Christian Self-Government by Bill Burtness, Christianity and the Constitution by John Eidsmoe, Biblical Principles of the United States Constitution DVD course by John Eidsmoe, Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion by David Barton, The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States: Christian Self-Government Volumes 1 and 2 by Verna Hall and Rosalie Salter, Constitution Alive! A Citizen’s Guide to the Constitution DVD Course by David Barton and Rick Green, The American Heritage Series DVD course by David Barton, and the Constitutional Literacy course by Michael Farris.
This course will cover the Old Testament book of Daniel and the textbook ‘Understanding The Constitution’ (UTC) by David Gibbs, Jr. & David Gibbs III.
The class will be completed over 10 weeks. Each class will consist of 2 ~45 minute lectures, followed by regular homework assignments in the books listed.
The objective of the course is to help students have a clear understanding of the basic elements and fundamental principles of American government, and the heritage from which that government came.
Students will gain a clear understanding from Scripture of their civic responsibilities, and how to engage governmental authorities with courage and creativity for the sake of the Gospel.
The course shall be a hands-on practicum, designed to engage students on a personal level, not just a theoretical or intellectual level.
Students shall study the primary elements of American government, with a specific focus on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Students shall research the Biblical principles reflected in each document.
Student shall survey the impact that Christians have had on American government and society, including instances where Christians have engaged the political process to address injustices in American society.
Students shall study a Biblical perspective of a Christian’s civic responsibilities.