2023: Treasuring Heritage
Living Legacies
Heritage (noun): /ˈher.ɪ.t̬ɪdʒ/
‘The legacy of people, culture, and environments inherited from the past… Heritage is considered important because it connects people with the past and affirms and reproduces cultural identity.’ - Oxford Reference
“Thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear Thy name.” - Psalm 61:5 KJV
“Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart.” - Psalm 119:111 KJV
During the past twelve months, God has repeatedly rejoiced our hearts through many reminders of what a valuable heritage we have in Him, and through the wonderful ways He has enabled us to support so many families in treasuring that gift.
Midyear Teacher’s Conference
“Listen! Your Life Depends on It!” The 2023 Midyear Teacher’s Conference began with a call to action from keynote speaker Tim Shell. He reminded us that “We need to improve our listening skills not only with our children and our spouse but with God.”
Becky Wyand reminded us of practical ways to teach our children to see their Heavenly Father’s wonders and care in every part of their life and schooling.
As the final activity of the conference, Tim Shell led families in a listening exercise. The results were both wildly hilarious and highly instructive in demonstrating the power of the simple skill of listening.
Family Heritage Expo
This spring’s Family Heritage Expo was filled with reminders of God’s blessings at every turn. Perfect weather allowed for a pleasant pavilion picnic and all manner of outdoor races and relays, including pioneer games and a daunting food eating contest! The new campus improvements allowed for easy access to the remodeled church restrooms and the office basement where the Expo was held.
In addition to a record number of masterpieces on display, the projects this year featured several live student presentations, including a puppet show and an audience participation game! Perhaps the biggest highlight of all was a K9 demonstration from MD State Trooper Egros and his furry partner, Beamer.
The 2023 Expo was a wonderful display of the heritage WCFS parents are handing down to their children.
Passing on the Inheritance
Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2023 were held at the Wellspring campus on June 3rd.
Of this year’s 5 graduates, 2 were able to attend in person, and 3 graduated in absentia. Here are several excerpts from their testimonies:
“…thanks to WCFS, I was able to pursue opportunities that I would never have been able to, had it not been for the school’s flexible educational model. I was able to represent the Philippines at various conferences and organizations and help out my family when it was most needed.”
“Learning to enjoy school was not easy but realizing that school is not what every person in the world gets as an opportunity to learn made me want to take school more seriously and make the most of my time.”
“If there is one thing that I learned or could pass to any who are still students right now, it is to never give up; persevere not even, but especially when it is too difficult to. One of the most encouraging verses that I have found regarding this is Romans 5:3-5…”
“Our education has equipped us with the tools to excel in our chosen fields, but it is our faith that gives us a higher purpose. … As we pursue our dreams and aspirations, let us not lose sight of what truly matters – our relationship with God and our commitment to serving others.”
What a joy it was to hear how the graduates treasured their Godly upbringing and relation- ship with Christ and how they encouraged others to do the same!
Family Leadership Conference
The theme of our 37th annual Family Leadership Conference in August was “Identify the Gems!” Our everyday life is full of all sorts of gems, but they often require a change in perspectives or priorities to identify, and sometimes, a good bit of digging to uncover.
During the four days of the 2023 FLC, held at Roxbury Holiness Camp in Orrstown, PA, WCFS families heard from Gary Cox, Joel Fischer and Tim Shell on how to find and treasure some of those everyday gems. In keeping with the theme, the Creation Wonder Project this year was purely geological. The children had great fun collecting and labeling all sorts of stones and pebbles.
This year’s conference featured sponsored meals for all attendees on Friday and Saturday, enabling families to spend more time in rest and fellowship, and less on tracking down and feeding energetic little “jewels” 😊
We were again blessed with beautiful weather for the conference, and this year it lasted all the way through Sunday, which allowed for water fights during the field games, and Gaga ball tournaments right up to the last minute before families left. The children certainly took to heart the idea of treasuring every minute!
Student Council Events
The WCFS High School Student Council of 22-23 had a highly active and successful year under the leadership of President Joshua Cox. Through numerous fundraisers such as baked goods, chocolates, a rummage sale, and the bi-annual sub sales, they earned enough to finance a ski trip to Liberty Mountain resort.
They also had the privilege of attending a tour of the Gettysburg battlefield, guided by Pennsylvania senator, Doug Mastriano.
Field Trips
This year Mrs. Dawn Adams kindly facilitated six fun field trips for WCFS students, including tasty tours of the Utz Chip Factory and a Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt shop, historic and culturally immersive visits to Antietam Battlefield and Kramer’s Piano Shop, a hands-on tour of Holtzople Heating and Air Conditioning, …
…as well as a hearty Good Friday hike at Catoctin Mountain Park!
Building marble runs during the junior and senior high STEM session of the September workshop got the 23-24 series off to a great start!
Gary gave the keynote address at the September workshop, just prior to his knee surgery. Beginning with the October workshop and continuing for the remaining 4 while Gary recovers, missionary homeschool mom Karen Schott will be sharing encouragement with us all the way from Cambodia via Zoom!
Ignitia and WCFS Courses
Our trial run of the online Ignitia curriculum proved to be a great blessing to many WCFS families, and we are pleased to be continuing the program this year, with 13 families currently enrolled.
With the assistance of Joseph and Ericka Cox, we were able to migrate the bulk of the content for five of our WCFS credit courses onto the Ignitia platform. Nine students are enrolled in our courses for the 2023-24 school year.
Campus Improvements Completion
With the completion of several retaining walls, Tim Shell has finished the upgrades to the WCF/S grounds.
Other upgrades he and many volunteers have blessed us with this year include the installation of new stairs and railing from the parking lot down to the office basement, a new mailbox, new church bathroom stalls, proper handicap parking spaces by the church fellowship hall, six new trees planted along the driveway, enclosing the church AC units inside a childproof fence, the insulation of the boiler room, new mulch around all the trees and flower beds, and much more.
Many of these projects were accomplished during workdays with the help of numerous volunteers. To each of you who lent a hand, our sincere thanks!
We are still trusting God to provide the remaining funds required to replace our outdated HVAC system. In the meantime, we are deeply grateful for the resources that He already blessed us with, which enabled us to complete so many long-needed improvements and better glorify Him in our service to all the families He allows us to minister to.
Treasuring Families Globally
Families all over the world are striving to impart a Godly heritage to their children. This year Wellspring welcomed 7 new families to our school. We also established a new affiliate school in the UAE: Kingdom Citizen Homeschool!
Through Homeschool Global in the Philippines and Middle East, Joshua International Academy in Korea, and KCH in the UAE, we are serving over 1,000 international students.
We also continue to partner with Westminster Christian Family Schools stateside, and are praying for more opportunities to connect with local churches interested in being a part of our Heritage Educational License Program (HELP). It is a privilege to be a part of providing a Christian education to so many children.
Anniversaries and Operations
Gary and Sally celebrated 50 years of marriage this summer in a joyful gathering of family and friends at the Emmitsburg fire hall!
Gary is recovering well from his second knee replacement surgery this past October (he has had both knees replaced in less than a year). Thank you all for your prayers and support! Please continue to keep Gary, Sally, and their family in your prayers.
Staffing Provisions
The Lord demonstrated His unfailing provision yet again with the addition of accountant and bookkeeper, Marie Greenbank, who has contracted with us part-time to keep our financial records in tip-top shape. Her caring and can-do spirit has encouraged all of us. Meantime, we continue to be grateful for our stellar administrative staff and records team, who keep things humming, despite the challenges that come their way.
God uniquely provided for our international records organizational needs through the discovery and implementation of a specialized project management software. We also were blessed to work with a ministry that assisted in updating our website and managing our social media needs.
Ruth’s commissioning as a Maryland notary public helped streamline our process of international document authentication.
Hold Fast That Which You Have
Though much of the world may be in turmoil and chaos, and homeschooling has encountered increased adversity this year, let us not lose heart, but continue to run the race. Let us view adversity as Paul did, and continue to press forward, seeking our inheritance in Christ as the pearl of great price, because it is truly worth every moment of the pain and toil required to earn it. (Phil. 3:12)
And when we can, let us reflect on all we are already heirs to, and the incredible gift of everyday blessings.
“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalm 16:6)