EDU-SAFE HELP! A Tool To Help Churches Reach Children With Sound Biblical Education

For Such A Time As This...

The Bible says that, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19b) The church of Jesus Christ must lift high a clear and certain moral standard to guide children and adults who are confused by unsafe moral misrepresentations perpetrated by our culture’s pseudo-science. The world does not have the knowledge of God: the Church does. Let us together build safe communities that reflect godly authority in genuinely trustworthy ministry. We must protect those who are the most vulnerable among us who depend on the integrity of God-ordained authorities that lovingly nurture the community of church, school and home.

It is evident that the strong cultural influence of Judeo-Christian values has eroded in today’s post-modern world. The June 2015 Obergefell ruling by the US Supreme Court recognizing same-sex marriage has created the kind of social upheaval warned against in Scripture. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, ...” (Isa 5:20 NIV) In the decision's aftermath, “Gender Dysphoria” has created a confusing crisis of identity in the lives of vulnerable children. Maryland’s law prohibiting “conversion therapy(1)” and multi-cultural curriculum regulations pervert the once-trusted community resources such as teachers, doctors and counselors and are turning them into Orwellian thought police for the state. The church needs to act now to protect vulnerable children and families from the growing wave of social confusion being fomented by such government intrusion into the moral development of our children.

However, we must respond in love and kindness above all else. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, preached this sermon to his church in 1957 on how to struggle for social justice in love. Let us follow the same rule!

Always be sure that you struggle with Christian methods and Christian weapons. Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter. As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love. Let no man pull you so low as to hate him. Always avoid violence.

“In your struggle for justice, let your oppressor know that you are not attempting to defeat or humiliate him, or even to pay him back for injustices that he has heaped upon you. Let him know that you are merely seeking justice for him as well as yourself. ...I still believe that standing up for the truth of God is the greatest thing in the world. This is the end of life. The end of life is not to be happy. The end of life is not to achieve pleasure and avoid pain. The end of life is to do the will of God, come what may.

“I still believe that love is the most durable power in the world. Over the centuries men have sought to discover the highest good. This has been the chief quest of ethical philosophy. This was one of the big questions of Greek philosophy. The Epicureans and the Stoics sought to answer it; Plato and Aristotle sought to answer it. What is the summum bonum of life? I think I have discovered the highest good. It is love. This principle stands at the center of the cosmos. ...John says, "God is love”. He who loves is a participant in the being of God. He who hates does not know God [1 Jn 4:8, 20].”

We must deal with gender confusion in minors with love and kindness above all else! And it is never kind to ever take advantage of a child’s vulnerability and suggestibility to attempt to defy the laws of Nature’s God and permit the mutilation of the body as a response to an emotional identity crisis.

(1) SB1028 ... – Conversion Therapy for Minors – Prohibition (Youth Mental Health Protection Act) A ...CHILD CARE PRACTITIONER MAY NOT ENGAGE IN CONVERSION THERAPY WITH AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS A MINOR. Signed into law by Governor Hogan’s on 15MAY15.

Envisioning Christ-Centered Educational Communities

What if your church got involved in education(2)?

Parents have direct authority from God to educate their children, and to establish Christ-centered standards of right and wrong for their children(3). By working in harmony with the local church, parents can develop safe educational communities for their children. Proper educational communities will produce confident adults who are well equipped to engage their confused culture for Christ in every possible place in society.

Christians have been at the forefront of education in Western Civilization for well over 1,500 years. Furthermore, states like Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania recognize educational programs offered by churches and presently have laws that prevent state interference institutions.

Here are three reasons why you must consider getting involved in education in your church.

1. Prejudicial Health Ideology:

We can no longer trust the government-authorized professional community of caregivers to have authoritative access to our minor children. Maryland’s new laws prohibit parents and licensed counselors from counseling a minor child in any manner that could encourage that child to accept their natal (birth) gender, faulting “Conversion Therapy” with creating a risk of harm to minors. Besides parents and licensed counselors, these laws impact all professionals who have any kind of authoritative access to children.

Maryland law requires anyone who has authoritative access to children to report suspicion of child abuse and neglect. Professionals who have authoritative access to children include counselors, physicians, pediatricians, and educators. Risk of harm is the legal threshold for mandatory reporting of suspicion of child abuse and neglect. These laws carry fines up to $1,000.

“Conversion Therapy” is a new threshold by which suspected abuse or neglect can be measured.

2. Precocious Developmental Standards:

The government forfeits its trust when it passes laws and regulations that pretend a child’s welfare and best interests are met by the malleable imagination of a three year-old child(4)!

These laws and regulations are not based on genuine peer-reviewed science, but are products of pseudoscience created by those with a political agenda. Such laws are a direct intrusion into parental authority. They invent harmful clinical standards for children’s mental health and wellbeing by requiring parents, et. al. to support and accept and not redirect, any expression that a child may make musing that he or she might be a different gender other than their God-given gender at birth.

3. Precipitative Action Required:

Families, pastors and church leaders need to work together to develop safe educational communities that protect children and families from unsafe exposure to confusing authority models. Christ-centered educational communities can provide a positive, nurturing environment that can promote positive, healthy views of natal gender in children. Now is the time for every church to consider how they might be able to support a faith-based educational program in their community(5).

(2) We can HELP! WCFS’s Heritage Educational License Program (HELP) can help your church to develop a safe educational program for your congregation and community. Contact us at 301-241-2022, or
(3) Now I say, [that] the heir, as long as he is a child, differs nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. (Gal 4:1-2 KJV)
(4) 2017, Revised Endocrine Society Transgender Guidelines
(5) The WCFS, Heritage Educational License Program (HELP) can help you at any level, from serving just one family in your church, to widespread outreach in your community. For more info, go to

Parents Need Christ-Centered Educational Communities!

A safe, Christ-Centered, Educational Community is an association of parents and church leaders who provide educational activities that honor God’s design for the family, while respecting the common bond members have as disciples of Jesus Christ. The community is marked by the delight to know the God of wisdom and to walk in His ways. Respect for God’s design in family is expressed by each member as they pursue Christ individually and corporately. Our Christian communities need education programs in the local church!

Elements necessary for a balanced educational community:

The educational community functions in a non-sectarian organic manner. The interaction of relationships spring from the hub of each individual’s relationship to Jesus Christ, not around allegiance to a specific group. However, the group may have meaningful and necessary guidelines for the effective function of members.

Each individual’s vertical relationship to Jesus Christ is prioritized as essential in order to prevent lateral relationships from becoming schismatic. Polarizing sub-groups that center fellowship on “a form of godliness” can wrongly require allegiance to a group’s practices and beliefs before one’s allegiance to Christ. (See 1Co. 1:10-17)

The hallmarks of Christ-centered relationships are personal encouragement and space for individuals to grow. Encouragement and space are both required for individuals to pursue authentic relationships with Jesus Christ that are not limited by group-approved expressions of faith. Group approval can wrongly pressure non- conforming individuals and interfere with their authentic faith as a servant before his Master. (Rom. 14:1, 4-5)

The educational community is Delight-based where members influence each other by how they manifest their delight in the Lord. One may possess authority to influence like a parent, pastor (or similar role); others may influence attitudes toward authority through relationships, like siblings and peers. Nevertheless, each member contributes to the educational community by personal, authentic, consistent and a delight-based desire to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (Eph. 6:1-2, 4-6, 9; 1 Cor. 15:33-34; Gal. 1:6, 10; 2:4, 11-14)

~This Delight is Residential. Each individual member is a temple of God because the Holy Spirit of God resides in him or her. This is the basis of authenticity. (1Cor. 3:16)

~This Delight is Experiential. The Holy Spirit gives a clear and unmistakable witness to the spirit of the individual believer that they are a child of God; and since they are His child, they are His heirs and joint heirs with Christ. All community life flows from this common bond as fellow-believers. (Rom 5:5; 8:16-17)

~This Delight is Emotional. We rejoice in the hope of God’s glory. This joy is the source of overcoming power against all Satanic warfare producing a sound mind. (Romans 5:3-4 NET)

~This Delight is Motivational. The teachings of Christ are pursued from an inward desire of affection to do the things Jesus taught because they are a wisdom of God, hidden in a mystery, only revealed to those that love God. (John 14:21; 23-2; 1Co. 2)

~This Delight is Teachable. The teachings of Christ are greatly desired and are understood and confirmed by the Holy Spirit, with greater authority than human teachers have. There is a delight to know and to do the will of God. (Jo 14: 26, 31)

Delighting oneself in the Lord opens one’s ears, heart and mouth. “Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; my ears have you opened... I delight to do your will, O my God: yes, your law is within my heart. I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, you know. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared your faithfulness and your salvation: I have not concealed your lovingkindness and your truth from the great congregation.” (Psalms 40:6, 8-10 KJV)

Delight is the overriding motivation behind all obedience to God. God is the authority over every believer. God has chosen to institute earthly authority among men. Believers are given confirmation of this authority in the Word of God. However, we must understand that only a believer who delights in obedience to God has the proper outlook required to disobey when an earthly authority goes beyond the boundaries of the authority that God ordained. “But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

As a member of a Delight-based community, the believer must be able to appeal to his conscience before God even as he is participating within the community. Every believer must obey God by the wisdom revealed to him by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God.

Nevertheless, it is a Delight-Based Wisdom. Every true believer can recognize authentic wisdom as it springs from God.

“Now we do speak wisdom among the mature, but not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are perishing. Instead we speak the wisdom of God, hidden in a mystery, that God determined before the ages for our glory. ...God has revealed these to us by the Spirit. ...even the deep things of God.” (1 Cor. 2:6-7,15)

What might an EDU-SAFE HELP Education Model look like in your church?

While many churches may feel that they are not in a position to add any kind of K-12 educational ministry to their already very busy and burdened ministries, WCFS HELP has developed a comprehensive educational program strategy for churches. Through our Heritage Educational License Program (HELP), we offer a turn-key educational ministry that pastors can offer the families in their congregations.

With our HELP, your church can cultivate an educational community that provides the nurture and instruction needed to establish and maintain sustainable families as the foundation for a living church, a stable society and a thriving culture.

The model would be a community of families walking in fellowship and respect with each other to create an accepting, safe, and nurturing educational environment. Believers must learn to “speak the same thing” in Christ-centered relationships. A healthy educational model would reflect that the source of all authority is Christ himself, and a nurturing environment is formed by the mutual acceptance of one another in Christ, just as Christ has received each believer. (Romans 14:1–15:7)

The model would have a physical location to serve as an educational hub, preferably a church hall with some classroom capabilities. A private home could also be used as a hub. The hub may of necessity reflect some of the elements of a small day school.

Preferably, the model would have staff that is derived from members of the sponsoring congregation. A married couple as directors could mentor other husbands and wives in their respective parent-teacher roles. The overall mentor goal of the directors will be to help families treasure God’s design for their own family. The model will anticipate the need for training parents.

How can EDU-SAFE HELP assist your church? 

HELP can provide customary transcripts and diplomas. Curriculum and other program elements will be offered, authorized and validated through WCFS’s HELP academic system. Careful attention will be given to maximize God’s first educational community, the Christian home, as the primary academic hub for foundational education (preschool, primary, elementary and junior & senior high school). Careful attention is given to each home’s specific needs, opportunities and particulars that make-up the particular fabric of each family. A church’s participation will provide academic support required for its own community.

Let WCFS HELP you develop your educational program! The Heritage Educational License Program (6) has been helping churches develop their own educational programs for over 18 years. Serving more than 9,000 students world-wide, WCFS HELP currently has six operating campuses: 2 in the US, 1 in South Korea, 2 in the United Arab Emirates, and 1 in the Philippines. WCFS works with the NCAA as an umbrella program and has been recognized by the US military as a tier one academy. WCFS HELP offers a complete academic system that is of the highest professional caliber, and very affordable. WCFS transcripts and diploma have been accepted nationally and internationally.

About WCFS...

WCFS has been a premier K-12 educational institution since 1983. Organized as a church-operated nonpublic school, WCFS is approved to supervise home instruction for all students, K-12 in Maryland. Through WCFS HELP, your church will be able to offer a comprehensive educational program that provides testing, curriculum development, high school course credentialing, high school transcripts and a high school diploma upon successful completion. Records and transcripts are maintained professionally and in the customary manner required by the majority of post-secondary institutions.

WCFS HELP students are individually assessed in order to develop an academic curriculum that both satisfies customary NCAA core course requirements and reflects and cultivates the opportunities, interests and desires of each student. WCFS’s philosophy values the God’s long-ordained roles given to fathers and mothers to teach and direct their children. We believe that it is the parents' responsibility to disciple their children, and a comprehensive educational program is a critical part of that discipleship. The WFCS philosophy encourages fathers and mothers in their respective, God-ordained tasks.

Based on Deuteronomy 6 and John 5:17, 19ff, & Galatians 4:1-2, the WCFS vision is for fathers to oversee their children’s education through ample time spent with them in home-based academic pursuits. Mothers are the heart of every home and their role is most significant for homeschool success. WCFS seeks to inspire and assist parents to fulfill their roles! WCFS HELP can help your church develop a model educational program that supports parents at every part of the educational process.

Prayerfully give us a call; we are delighted at the prospect to work with you for the Kingdom of God’s sake, which prioritizes bringing our children to Jesus!

Our office phone number is (301) 241-2072.


Pastor, What if your church got involved in education?...We Can HELP!