Choosing That One Good Part

If this were the last thing I could write, whatever should I say?
It sure would be a clarion call, “The VOICE of God, OBEY!”

I would tell you first of all that, “Yes! We’re in a GIANT battle!”
A battle so severe, intense, that ill, weak faith will rattle.

But this battle sore is NOT with flesh where trouble often towers.
It’s higher in the heavenly place, with principalities and powers!

This fight we wage needs weapon skills above the natural kind.
We need God’s Word of Truth Divine to captivate our mind!

A captivated mind OBEYS, but not from fear of man.
It sees the truth before God’s THRONE, and on that truth it stands!

The outward man appears, is seen, by all with natural eyes.
But what he shows in full relief is temporal, he lies!

So do not join that mighty throng, approved among themselves.
But let your praise be from your faith, measured by GOD Himself.

That faith, my friend, is stirred within, by WORD discerned in Spirit.
It’s not coerced by fear of man, a Well-Springs up, you do it!

For we love God by His First Love, given to us in Jesus.
And that sweet love, it casts out fear – abounds to God and pleases.

The choice dear friend, is left to you, from fullness in your heart.
Will it be of paltry, worldly things, or be THAT ONE GOOD PART?

You’ll stand alone before Christ’s THRONE, not the judgment seat of man.
So have your faith towards God ALONE, and by your faith you’ll STAND!*

*Eccl.7:1-4; 1Sam.15:22; Num.13:33; Mat.24:24; Heb.10:39; Eph.6:12; Rom.12:1-2; 2Cor.10:3-7, 12-15; John 14:15, 21, 23-24; 1Co.2:4-16; Ps.118:6; Pr.29:25; Heb.13:6; John 4:14, 18; Heb.11:6; 1Jn.4:18; Jer.28:28; Luke 10:38-42; Rom.14:13; 2Cor.5:10; Eph.6:13

By Gary L. Cox


Don’t Look Back! Remembering Lot’s Wife


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